Yíshì (Crave Natural)

Yíshì (formerly Crave Natural), is a purposeful food company that combines traditional Eastern food wisdom

and modern nutritional science through whole foods-based and convenient products.

Developed a social media marketing strategy.

Strategy Goals:

  • Create a consistent brand identity on social media platforms.

  • Increase brand awareness and develop trust and loyalty with customers.

  • Community-building on social media.

  • Increase web page traffic through the presence in social media.


  • Upgrade Facebook and Instagram accounts – look & feel.

  • Create digital content for social media accounts with brand consistency.

  • Use of SEO keywords on social media posts,

  • Develop recipes using the products.

Social Media Content Categories

The social media content would be based on the following categories: 


Posts related to purposeful food, what it means for Crave, how they help you eat purposefully, benefits of ingredients, and Eastern Food.


  • Artistic images showing the products with context and highlighting ingredients. 

  • Images of people with the products.


Quotes and definitions related to health, nutrition, food, fitness and beauty.


Functional recipes related to oats and Eastern food.

Social Media Style Guide

The content categories would be based on the brand and the 4 existing flavors.

Template Version 1

Template Version 2

Look & Feel - Inspiration

Crave Natural’s Exiting Instagram Feed


Crave Natural’s Exiting Instagram Feed

Social Media Content Examples